
AtthebottomrightofaNewTabpage,selectCustomizeChrome.·Under“Appearance,”selecteither:Light:Chromewillbeinalighttheme.Dark:Chromewill ...,DarkModeisanextensionthathelpsyouquicklyturnthescreen(browser)todarkatnighttime.ToolbarbuttonservesasanON|OFFswitchwhichenablesyouto ...,Darkmodechromeisanextensionthathelpsyouquicklyswitchyourbrowsertodarkmode.ThebuttononthetoolbarasatoggleON|OFF,whichallowsy...

Browse in Dark mode or Dark theme

At the bottom right of a New Tab page, select Customize Chrome . · Under “Appearance,” select either: Light : Chrome will be in a light theme. Dark : Chrome will ...

Dark Mode

Dark Mode is an extension that helps you quickly turn the screen (browser) to dark at night time. Toolbar button serves as an ON|OFF switch which enables you to ...

Dark Mode Chrome

Dark mode chrome is an extension that helps you quickly switch your browser to dark mode. The button on the toolbar as a toggle ON | OFF, which allows you to ...

Dark Theme for Google Chrome

The best dark Chrome theme for your web browser. It's simple and coherent. It's one beautiful dark theme (dark skin) for your Chrome web browser.

How to Enable Google Chrome Dark Mode on All Your ...

2024年5月9日 — Dark mode pulls a nifty trick: it changes the visual theme of your desktop interface or browser window from one that is predominantly light ...

How to Turn on Dark Mode on Google Chrome on Desktop ...

2022年10月6日 — How to turn on Chrome dark mode on a PC · 1. Right-click the Start button, and then select Settings in the menu. · 2. Click Personalization. · 3 ...

How to turn on Google Chrome dark mode

2023年8月21日 — On Windows or macOS, Chrome dark mode can be automatically executed by changing settings in the operating system. If you do not want your entire ...

Turn on and off dark mode on Chrome

Chrome does not have an official dark mode for Windows users. However, if you change your PC mode to Dark, it will be reflected on Chrome. That is to say ...

使用深色模式或深色主題瀏覽- 電腦

管理Chrome 的深色模式</b>在新分頁的右下方,選取「自訂Chrome」圖示 。 你也可以在右上方依序選取「側邊面板」圖示 「自訂Chrome」。在「外觀」底下選取任一選項: 淺色 :Chrome 會採用淺色主題。 深色 :Chrome 會採用深色主題。 裝置 :Chrome 會採用裝置使用的主題。